Monday, February 22, 2010

Patch It Club (4)

Cheryl and I were big believers in positive thinking..the "Secret"...that the "mind" plays a huge role in the way things happen in this world. For that reason, it has been especially hard to accept Cheryl's death...she worked hard all of her life, she helped so many, and her life ended so abruptly and too soon. We both had our vision boards and movies...I replayed mine over the weekend....I have picture of her with me on the cabin porch, and my caption is "Long, Happy Lives!"
I still receive many "Vision Movie" emails.. to try this and that new product..and I usually ignore them, but one over the weekend caught my eye. It actually gives some good common sense ways to start back up...

How do you figure out what it is that you really want? by Brian Wong

"So many peo­ple have no idea what they want or just haven’t taken the time to seri­ously think about it. They aim for noth­ing and hit it with amaz­ing accuracy.

The first and very impor­tant step to achiev­ing all your goals is actu­ally hav­ing a clear pic­ture of what they are.

Once you are clear you can start to take action in the direc­tion of your goals and fash­ion a plan that will get you there.

So let me ask you…

•Are you some­one who just can’t decide from the mil­lions of choices avail­able to you?
•Have you sat down to write out your goals but just draw a blank?
•Are you some­one who sets and achieves goals in one area of your life but falls short in others?
•Are you some­one who has no idea where to start?
Well let me share with you some hints to make this process quick, easy and rel­a­tively painless…

1. Divide your goals into 5 com­mon key areas in your life:

•Money and mate­r­ial possessions,
•Rela­tion­ships and Partners,
•Health and Weight Loss,
•Career and Business
•Per­sonal Devel­op­ment and Spirituality.
2. Draw 3 columns on a sheet of paper and title the columns as…

What I Don’t Want, What I Do Want, Why I Want It.

* When fill­ing in the “What I Don’t Want” col­umn ask your­self “What don’t I want based on past experiences?”

Some­times it is eas­ier to iden­tify the qual­i­ties you don’t want in a sit­u­a­tion because they have been your focus. This is espe­cially true if you have just left a job, busi­ness or rela­tion­ship. Write these things in col­umn 1 then write the oppo­site, pos­i­tive state­ment of this in col­umn 2.

For exam­ple:

•I don’t want to be broke – I have an abun­dance of money
•I don’t want a job I hate – I love my job
•I don’t want to be alone — I am in a lov­ing relationship
•I don’t want to be fat — I am trim, taut and terrific
* When fill­ing in the “What I Do Want” col­umn ask your­self “If I had $10 mil­lion and I knew I couldn’t fail, what would I do, be and have?”

This col­umn con­tains the oppo­site state­ments from col­umn 1 and your dreams and desires.

For exam­ple:

•I have $1 mil­lion in the bank.
•I am the num­ber 1 sales­man in my industry.
•I cheer­fully exer­cise every day.
•I have a full­time housekeeper.
•I donate 10% of my income to wor­thy charities.
* When fill­ing in the “Why I Want It” col­umn ask your­self “Once I achieve this goal, who will ben­e­fit? How will that make me feel?”

Here is where you focus on your moti­va­tion to achieve these things. Focus­ing on your WHY gives cre­ates a “vol­cano” of burn­ing, inter­nal moti­va­tion espe­cially if your WHY is some­thing out­side of your­self, greater than just you alone.

For exam­ple:

•My part­ner falls in love with me all over again.
•I make my par­ents proud.
•I have the love and respect of my children.
•I attract my per­fect partner.
•I have the free­dom of choice.
3. Next step is to arrange col­umn 2 and 3 into a list of short, pow­er­ful, present tense statements.

When you read and recite this list each day you want to achieve the feel­ing that these things exist NOW (which they do) and it’s just a mat­ter of time before they mate­ri­al­ize in your life.

For exam­ple:

•I drive a Mer­cedes 500SL
•I earn $20,000 per month
•I am gen­er­ous with fam­ily & friends
•I am in a joy­ous, lov­ing relationship
Con­grat­u­la­tions! You now have a clear and con­cise list of exactly what you want to achieve. This puts you ahead of the major­ity of the population.

Believe me, this is a very excit­ing and empow­er­ing accomplishment.

Now don’t worry, actu­ally you can expect this…you may find your­self want­ing to make changes to this list espe­cially once you visu­al­ize these things exist­ing now.

Noth­ing here is set in stone and you will find your­self mak­ing fre­quent changes to this list, espe­cially once you start to tick things off!

Being clear about what you want and com­mit­ting this list to paper is Step 1 in a 4 Step suc­cess process…this is all that stands between you and the con­trol over the hap­pi­ness and pos­i­tive out­comes in your life."

May or may not help you..but thinking about goals and life and planning the future can't be a bad thing! Hope to see you at the next Patch It Meeting! ♥